The students in this class were prompted to create poster designs for 'SOURCE', a university and community-wide conference that focuses on presenting research and creative expression.
The SOURCE committee was then to come into the class and choose their top 5 favorite posters from the class to then be voted on by members of the whole university.
My poster design received the most votes, and is the design that is to be used for the event in 2024.

For this project, we were to come up with a series of three designs for a wine bottle company, existing or made-up. I chose to redesign for an existing brand, 'Fortuity', inspired by bold colors and hand-drawn patterns.

The goal of this project was to conduct research on a topic and visualize the data in an interesting way and implement such data onto a poster and a brochure.
I chose data visualization for the most popular bubble tea flavors on a DoorDash survey. By scaling of the 'bubbles', the viewer is able to understand which flavors are the most and least popular.
The goal of this project was to develop our skills in packaging design of a spice of our choice. The design had to be culturally inspired.
I decided to create a family of packaging for achiote powder, which comes from a tree that is native to tropical areas, and is heavily used in the culture of my family in Guam.
A lot of inspiration for the design of this packaging came from the flags of different areas in which achiote/anatto is grown. I used colors representing the flags of the Philippines, Jamaica, and the Bahamas to represent these tropical areas. I also played around with bold shapes and patterns that I felt resembled the high energy and charisma that surrounds these cultures.